SB 10.46.37
नोत्तमो नाधमो वापि समानस्यासमोऽपि वा ॥ ३७ ॥
nāpriyo vāsty amāninaḥ
nottamo nādhamo vāpi
sa-mānasyāsamo ’pi vā
na — not; hi — indeed; asya — for Him; asti — there is; priyaḥ — dear; kaścit — anyone; na — not; apriyaḥ — not dear; vā — or; asti — there is; amāninaḥ — who is free from desire for respect; na — not; uttamaḥ — superior; na — not; adhamaḥ — inferior; vā — or; api — also; samānasya — for Him who has all respect for others; āsamaḥ — completely ordinary; api — also; vā — or.
For Him no one is especially dear or despicable, superior or inferior, and yet He is not indifferent to anyone. He is free from all desire for respect and yet gives respect to all others.
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