SB 10.46.26

प्रलम्बो धेनुकोऽरिष्टस्तृणावर्तो बकादय: ।
दैत्या: सुरासुरजितो हता येनेह लीलया ॥ २६ ॥
pralambo dhenuko ’riṣṭas
tṛṇāvarto bakādayaḥ
daityāḥ surāsura-jito
hatā yeneha līlayā


pralambaḥ dhenukaḥ ariṣṭaḥ — Pralamba, Dhenuka and Ariṣṭa; tṛṇāvartaḥ — Tṛṇāvarta; baka-ādayaḥ — Baka and others; daityāḥ — demons; sura-asura — both the demigods and the demons; jitaḥ — who conquered; hatāḥ — killed; yena — by whom; iha — here (in Vṛndāvana); līlayā — easily.


Here in Vṛndāvana, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma easily destroyed demons like Pralamba, Dhenuka, Arista, Tṛṇāvarta and Baka, who had themselves defeated both demigods and other demons.

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