SB 10.45.6
यस्तयोरात्मज: कल्प आत्मना च धनेन च ।
वृत्तिं न दद्यात्तं प्रेत्य स्वमांसं खादयन्ति हि ॥ ६ ॥
वृत्तिं न दद्यात्तं प्रेत्य स्वमांसं खादयन्ति हि ॥ ६ ॥
yas tayor ātmajaḥ kalpa
ātmanā ca dhanena ca
vṛttiṁ na dadyāt taṁ pretya
sva-māṁsaṁ khādayanti hi
ātmanā ca dhanena ca
vṛttiṁ na dadyāt taṁ pretya
sva-māṁsaṁ khādayanti hi
yaḥ — who; tayoḥ — of them; ātma-jaḥ — a son; kalpaḥ — capable; ātmanā — with his physical resources; ca — and; dhanena — with his wealth; ca — also; vṛttim — a livelihood; na dadyāt — does not give; tam — him; pretya — after passing away; sva — his own; māṁsam — flesh; khādayanti — they make eat; hi — indeed.
A son who, though able to do so, fails to provide for his parents with his physical resources and wealth is forced after his death to eat his own flesh.
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