SB 10.45.48
गच्छतं स्वगृहं वीरौ कीर्तिर्वामस्तु पावनी ।
छन्दांस्ययातयामानि भवन्त्विह परत्र च ॥ ४८ ॥
छन्दांस्ययातयामानि भवन्त्विह परत्र च ॥ ४८ ॥
gacchataṁ sva-gṛhaṁ vīrau
kīrtir vām astu pāvanī
chandāṁsy ayāta-yāmāni
bhavantv iha paratra ca
kīrtir vām astu pāvanī
chandāṁsy ayāta-yāmāni
bhavantv iha paratra ca
gacchatam — please go; sva-gṛham — to Your home; vīrau — O heroes; kīrtiḥ — fame; vām — Your; astu — may it be; pāvanī — purifying; chandāṁsi — Vedic hymns; ayāta-yāmāni — ever fresh; bhavantu — may there be; iha — in this life; paratra — in the next life; ca — and.
O heroes, now please return home. May Your fame sanctify the world, and may the Vedic hymns be ever fresh in Your minds, both in this life and the next.
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