SB 10.45.46

तथेति तेनोपानीतं गुरुपुत्रं यदूत्तमौ ।
दत्त्वा स्वगुरवे भूयो वृणीष्वेति तमूचतु: ॥ ४६ ॥
tatheti tenopānītaṁ
guru-putraṁ yadūttamau
dattvā sva-gurave bhūyo
vṛṇīṣveti tam ūcatuḥ


tathā — so be it; iti — (Yamarāja) thus saying; tena — by him; upānītam — brought forward; guru-putram — the spiritual master’s son; yadu-uttamau — the best of the Yadus, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma; dattvā — giving; sva-gurave — to Their guru; bhūyaḥ — again; vṛṇīṣva — please choose; iti — thus; tam — to him; ūcatuḥ — They said.


Yamarāja said, “So be it,” and brought forth the guru’s son. Then those two most exalted Yadus presented the boy to Their spiritual master and said to him, “Please select another boon.”

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