SB 10.45.39

तमाह भगवानाशु गुरुपुत्र: प्रदीयताम् ।
योऽसाविह त्वया ग्रस्तो बालको महतोर्मिणा ॥ ३९ ॥
tam āha bhagavān āśu
guru-putraḥ pradīyatām
yo ’sāv iha tvayā grasto
bālako mahatormiṇā


tam — to him; āha — said; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; āśu — quickly; guru — of My spiritual master; putraḥ — the son; pradīyatām — must be presented; yaḥ — who; asau — he; iha — in this place; tvayā — by you; grastaḥ — seized; bālakaḥ — a young boy; mahatā — mighty; ūrmiṇā — by your wave.


The Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa addressed the lord of the ocean: Let the son of My guru be presented at once — the one you seized here with your mighty waves.

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