SB 10.45.37

द्विजस्तयोस्तं महिमानमद्भ‍ुतं
संलक्ष्य राजन्नतिमानुषीं मतिम् ।
सम्मन्‍त्र्य पत्न्‍या स महार्णवे मृतं
बालं प्रभासे वरयां बभूव ह ॥ ३७ ॥
dvijas tayos taṁ mahimānam adbhutaṁ
saṁlokṣya rājann ati-mānusīṁ matim
sammantrya patnyā sa mahārṇave mṛtaṁ
bālaṁ prabhāse varayāṁ babhūva ha


dvijaḥ — the learned brāhmaṇa; tayoḥ — of the two of Them; tam — that; mahimānam — greatness; adbhutam — amazing; saṁlakṣya — observing well; rājan — O King; ati-mānuṣīm — beyond human capacity; matim — intelligence; sammantrya — after consulting; patnyā — with his wife; saḥ — he; mahā-arṇave — in the great ocean; mṛtam — who had died; bālam — his child; prabhāse — at the holy place Prabhāsa; varayām babhūva ha — he chose.


O King, the learned brāhmaṇa Sāndīpani carefully considered the two Lords’ glorious and amazing qualities and Their superhuman intelligence. Then, after consulting with his wife, he chose as his remuneration the return of his young son, who had died in the ocean at Prabhāsa.


According to Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī, the child was captured by the conchshell demon while playing at the Mahā-śiva-kṣetra.

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