SB 10.45.28
ताश्चाददादनुस्मृत्य कंसेनाधर्मतो हृता: ॥ २८ ॥
mano-dattā mahā-matiḥ
tāś cādadād anusmṛtya
kaṁsenādharmato hṛtāḥ
yaḥ — which (cows); kṛṣṇa-rāma — of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma; janmaṛkṣe — on the day of birth; manaḥ — in his mind; dattāḥ — given in charity; mahā-matiḥ — the magnanimous (Vasudeva); tāḥ — them; ca — and; ādadāt — he gave; anusmṛtya — remembering; kaṁsena — by Kaṁsa; adharmataḥ — impiously; hṛtaḥ — taken away.
The magnanimous Vasudeva then remembered the cows he had mentally given away on the occasion of Kṛṣṇa’s and Balarāma’s birth. Kaṁsa had stolen those cows, and Vasudeva now recovered them and gave them away in charity also.
At the time of Kṛṣṇa’s appearance, Vasudeva had been imprisoned by Kaṁsa, who had stolen all his cows. Still, Vasudeva had been so jubilant at the birth of the Lord that he had mentally donated ten thousand of his cows to the brāhmaṇas.
Now, upon Kaṁsa’s death, Vasudeva took back all his cows from the late King’s herd and gave ten thousand of them, according to religious principles, to the worthy brāhmaṇas.
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