SB 10.45.24
वासोऽलङ्कारकुप्याद्यैरर्हयामास सादरम् ॥ २४ ॥
nandaṁ sa-vrajam acyutaḥ
arhayām āsa sādaram
evam — in this manner; sāntvayya — consoling; bhagavān — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; nandam — King Nanda; sa-vrajam — together with the other men of Vraja; acyutaḥ — the infallible Lord; vāsaḥ — with clothing; alaṅkāra — jewelry; kupya — vessels made of metals other than gold or silver; ādyaiḥ — and so on; arhayām āsa — He honored them; sa-ādaram — respectfully.
Thus consoling Nanda Mahārāja and the other men of Vraja, the infallible Supreme Lord respectfully honored them with gifts of clothing, jewelry, household utensils and so on.
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