SB 10.45.23
ज्ञातीन् वो द्रष्टुमेष्यामो विधाय सुहृदां सुखम् ॥ २३ ॥
vayaṁ ca sneha-duḥkhitān
jñātīn vo draṣṭum eṣyāmo
vidhāya suhṛdāṁ sukham
yata — please go; yūyam — all of you (cowherds); vrajam — to Vraja; tāta — My dear father; vayam — We; ca — and; sneha — due to loving affection; duḥkhitān — miserable; jñātīn — relatives; vaḥ — you; draṣṭum — to see; eṣyāmaḥ — will come; vidhāya — after bestowing; suhṛdām — to your loving friends; sukham — happiness.
Now you should all return to Vraja, dear Father. We shall come to see you, Our dear relatives who suffer in separation from Us, as soon as We have given some happiness to your well-wishing friends.
The Lord here indicates His desire to satisfy His dear devotees in Mathurā — Vasudeva, Devakī and other members of the Yadu dynasty — who for so long had been separated from Him during His stay in Vṛndāvana.
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