SB 10.45.14

मयि भृत्य उपासीने भवतो विबुधादय: ।
बलिं हरन्त्यवनता: किमुतान्ये नराधिपा: ॥ १४ ॥
mayi bhṛtya upāsīne
bhavato vibudhādayaḥ
baliṁ haranty avanatāḥ
kim utānye narādhipāḥ


mayi — when I; bhṛtye — as a servant; upāsīne — am present in attendance; bhavataḥ — to you; vibudha — the demigods; ādayaḥ — and so on; balim — tribute; haranti — will bring; avanatāḥ — bowed down in humility; kim uta — what then to speak of; anye — other; nara — of men; adhipāḥ — rulers.


Since I am present in your entourage as your personal attendant, all the demigods and other exalted personalities will come with heads bowed to offer you tribute. What, then, to speak of the rulers of men?


Lord Kṛṣṇa again assures Ugrasena that he should confidently take the throne.

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