SB 10.44.48
सर्वेषामिह भूतानामेष हि प्रभवाप्यय: । गोप्ता च तदवध्यायी न क्वचित्सुखमेधते ॥ ४८ ॥
sarveṣām iha bhūtānām
eṣa hi prabhavāpyayaḥ
goptā ca tad-avadhyāyī
na kvacit sukham edhate
eṣa hi prabhavāpyayaḥ
goptā ca tad-avadhyāyī
na kvacit sukham edhate
sarveṣām — of all; iha — in this world; bhūtānām — living beings; eṣaḥ — this (Śrī Kṛṣṇa); hi — certainly; prabhava — the origin; apyayaḥ — and disappearance; goptā — the maintainer; ca — and; tat — of Him; avadhyāyī — one who is neglectful; na kvacit — never; sukham — happily; edhate — prospers.
Lord Kṛṣṇa causes the appearance and disappearance of all beings in this world, and He is their maintainer as well. One who disrespects Him can never prosper happily.
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