SB 10.44.45
tvayā hatena nihatā
vayaṁ te sa-gṛha-prajāḥ
ha — alas; nātha — O master; priya — O dear one; dharma-jña — O knower of religious principles; karuṇa — O kind one; anātha — to those who have no protector; vatsala — O you who are compassionate; tvayā — by you; hatena — being killed; nihatāḥ — are killed; vayam — we; te — your; sa — together with; gṛha — the home; prajāḥ — and offspring.
[The women cried out:] Alas, O master, O dear one, O knower of religious principles! O kind and compassionate protector of the shelterless! By your being slain we have also been slain, together with your household and offspring.
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