SB 10.44.37

प्रगृह्य केशेषु चलत्किरीटंनिपात्य रङ्गोपरि तुङ्गमञ्चात् । तस्योपरिष्टात् स्वयमब्जनाभ:पपात विश्वाश्रय आत्मतन्त्र: ॥ ३७ ॥
pragṛhya keśeṣu calat-kirītaṁ
nipātya raṅgopari tuṅga-mañcāt
tasyopariṣṭāt svayam abja-nābhaḥ
papāta viśvāśraya ātma-tantraḥ


pragṛhya — grabbing; keśeṣu — by the hair; calat — knocking off; kirīṭam — whose crown; nipātya — throwing down; raṅga-upari — onto the surface of the wrestling ring; tuṅga — high; mañcāt — from the platform; tasya — of him; upariṣṭāt — on top; svayam — Himself; abja-nābhaḥ — the lotus-naveled Supreme Lord; papāta — threw; viśva — of the entire universe; āśrayaḥ — the support; ātma-tantraḥ — independent.


Grabbing Kaṁsa by the hair and knocking off his crown, the lotus-naveled Lord threw him off the elevated dais onto the wrestling mat. Then the independent Lord, the support of the entire universe, threw Himself upon the King.


In Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Śrīla Prabhupāda describes the death of Kaṁsa as follows: “Kṛṣṇa at once straddled his chest and began to strike him over and over again. Simply from the strokes of His fist, Kaṁsa lost his vital force.”

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