SB 10.44.33

वसुदेवस्तु दुर्मेधा हन्यतामाश्वसत्तम: । उग्रसेन: पिता चापि सानुग: परपक्षग: ॥ ३३ ॥
vasudevas tu durmedhā
hanyatām āśv asattamaḥ
ugrasenaḥ pitā cāpi
sānugaḥ para-pakṣa-gaḥ


vasudevaḥ — Vasudeva; tu — and furthermore; durmedhā — the foolish-minded; hanyatām — should be killed; āśu — immediately; asat-tamaḥ — the worst of the impure; ugrasenaḥ — Ugrasena; pitā — my father; ca api — also; sa — together with; anugaḥ — his followers; para — of the enemy; pakṣa-gaḥ — taking the side.


Kill that most evil fool Vasudeva! And also kill my father, Ugrasena, along with his followers, who have all sided with our enemies!

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