SB 10.44.21
muṣṭī-kṛtya karāv ubhau
bhagavantaṁ vāsudevaṁ
kruddho vakṣasy abādhata
saḥ — he, Cāṇūra; śyena — of a hawk; vegaḥ — with the speed; utpatya — falling upon Him; muṣṭī — into fists; kṛtya — making; karau — his hands; ubhau — both; bhagavantam — the Supreme Lord; vāsudevam — Kṛṣṇa; kruddhaḥ — angry; vakṣasi — upon His chest; abādhata — struck.
Furious, Cāṇūra attacked Lord Vāsudeva with the speed of a hawk and struck His chest with both fists.
It appears that Cāṇūra, realizing he was being defeated, became furious and made a final attempt to defeat Lord Kṛṣṇa. The demon certainly had the spirit of a good fighter, but if he hoped for victory, he was certainly in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person.
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