SB 10.44.16
gobhiḥ samaṁ kvaṇayato ’sya niśamya veṇum
nirgamya tūrṇam abalāḥ pathi bhūri-puṇyāḥ
paśyanti sa-smita-mukhaṁ sa-dayāvalokam
prātaḥ — in the early morning; vrajāt — from Vraja; vrajataḥ — of Him who is going; āviśataḥ — entering; ca — and; sāyam — in the evening; gobhiḥ samam — together with the cows; kvaṇayataḥ — who is playing; asya — His; niśamya — hearing; veṇum — the flute; nirgamya — coming out; tūrṇam — quickly; abalāḥ — the women; pathi — on the road; bhūri — extremely; puṇyāḥ — pious; paśyanti — they see; sa — with; smita — smiling; mukham — face; sa-daya — merciful; avalokam — with glances.
When the gopīs hear Kṛṣṇa playing His flute as He leaves Vraja in the morning with His cows or returns with them at sunset, the young girls quickly come out of their houses to see Him. They must have performed many pious activities to be able to see Him as He walks on the road, His smiling face mercifully glancing upon them.
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