SB 10.39.7

दिष्ट्याद्य दर्शनं स्वानां मह्यं व: सौम्य काङ्‌क्षितम् ।
सञ्जातं वर्ण्यतां तात तवागमनकारणम् ॥ ७ ॥
diṣṭyādya darśanaṁ svānāṁ
mahyaṁ vaḥ saumya kāṅkṣitam
sañjātaṁ varṇyatāṁ tāta


diṣṭyā — by good fortune; adya — today; darśanam — the sight; svānām — of My close relative; mahyam — for Me; vaḥ — yourself; saumya — O gentle one; kāṅkṣitam — desired; sañjātam — has come about; varṇyatām — please explain; tāta — O uncle; tava — your; āgamana — for the coming; kāraṇam — the reason.


By good fortune We have today fulfilled Our desire to see you, Our dear relative. O gentle uncle, please tell Us why you have come.

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