SB 10.39.5

किं नु न: कुशलं पृच्छे एधमाने कुलामये ।
कंसे मातुलनाम्नाङ्ग स्वानां नस्तत्प्रजासु च ॥ ५ ॥
kiṁ nu naḥ kuśalaṁ pṛcche
edhamāne kulāmaye
kaṁse mātula-nāmnāṅga
svānāṁ nas tat-prajāsu ca


kim — what; nu — rather; naḥ — our; kuśalam — about the well-being; pṛcche — I should inquire; edhamāne — when he is prospering; kula — of our family; āmaye — the disease; kaṁse — King Kaṁsa; mātula-nāmnā — by the name “maternal uncle”; aṅga — my dear; svānām — of the relatives; naḥ — our; tat — his; prajāsu — of the citizens; ca — and.


But, my dear Akrūra, as long as King Kaṁsa — that disease of our family who goes by the name “maternal uncle” — is still prospering, why should I even bother to ask about the well-being of our family members and his other subjects?

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