SB 10.39.3

सायन्तनाशनं कृत्वा भगवान् देवकीसुत: ।
सुहृत्सु वृत्तं कंसस्य पप्रच्छान्यच्चिकीर्षितम् ॥ ३ ॥
sāyantanāśanaṁ kṛtvā
bhagavān devakī-sutaḥ
suhṛtsu vṛttaṁ kaṁsasya
papracchānyac cikīrṣitam


sāyantana — of the evening; aśanam — the dining; kṛtvā — having done; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; devakī-sutaḥ — the son of Devakī; suhṛtsu — toward His well-wishing relatives and friends; vṛttam — about the behavior; kaṁsasya — of Kaṁsa; papraccha — He inquired; anyat — other; cikīrṣitam — intentions.


After the evening meal, Lord Kṛṣṇa, the son of Devakī, asked Akrūra how Kaṁsa was treating their dear relatives and friends and what the King was planning to do.

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