SB 10.37.32
पश्यतां दिवि देवानां पशुमारममारयत् ॥ ३२ ॥
pātayitvā mahī-tale
paśyatāṁ divi devānāṁ
paśu-māram amārayat
tam — him; nigṛhya — holding fast; acyutaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; dorbhyām — with His arms; pātayitvā — making him fall; mahī-tale — onto the ground; paśyatām — while they were watching; divi — in the heavenly planets; devānām — the demigods; paśu-māram — as a sacrificial animal is slaughtered; amārayat — He killed him.
Lord Acyuta clutched Vyomāsura between His arms and threw him to the ground. Then, while the demigods in heaven looked on, Kṛṣṇa killed him in the same way that one kills a sacrificial animal.
The ācāryas inform us that sacrificial animals were killed by means of strangulation.
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