SB 10.26.22

तस्मान्नन्द कुमारोऽयं नारायणसमो गुणै:
। श्रिया कीर्त्यानुभावेन तत्कर्मसु न विस्मय: ॥ २२ ॥
tasmān nanda kumāro ’yaṁ
nārāyaṇa-samo guṇaiḥ
śriyā kīrtyānubhāvena
tat-karmasu na vismayaḥ


tasmāt — therefore; nanda — O Nanda Mahārāja; kumāraḥ — child; ayam — this; nārāyaṇa-samaḥ — is as good as Nārāyaṇa; guṇaiḥ — by His qualities; śriyā — by His opulence; kīrtyā — especially by His name and fame; anubhāvena — and by His influence; tat — His; karmasu — concerning the activities; na — there is no; vismayaḥ — surprise.


Therefore, O Nanda Mahārāja, this child of yours is as good as Nārāyaṇa. In His transcendental qualities, opulence, name, fame and influence, He is exactly like Nārāyaṇa. Thus you should not be astonished by His activities.


Nanda here reports to the cowherd men the concluding remarks of Garga Muni, who spoke at the secret birth ceremony of Lord Kṛṣṇa.

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