SB 10.26.15

श्रीनन्द उवाच
श्रूयतां मे वचो गोपा व्येतु शङ्का च वोऽर्भके । एनं कुमारमुद्दिश्य गर्गो मे यदुवाच ह ॥ १५ ॥
śrī-nanda uvāca
śrūyatāṁ me vaco gopā
vyetu śaṅkā ca vo ’rbhake
enam kumāram uddiśya
gargo me yad uvāca ha


śrī-nandaḥ uvāca — Śrī Nanda Mahārāja said; śrūyatām — please hear; me — my; vacaḥ — words; gopāḥ — my dear cowherd men; vyetu — let it go away; śaṅkā — the doubt; ca — and; vaḥ — your; arbhake — concerning the boy; enam — this; kumāram — to the child; uddiśya — referring; gargaḥ — the sage Garga; me — to me; yat — which; uvāca — spoke; ha — in the past.


Nanda Mahārāja replied: O cowherd men, just hear my words and let all your doubts concerning my son be gone. Some time ago Garga Muni spoke to me as follows about this boy.


Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī comments, “The words previously heard from Gargācārya awakened Nanda Mahārāja to the truth about Kṛṣṇa, and thus, by Nanda’s constantly remembering His activities, all thoughts about their being impossible ceased in him. Now he is instructing the cowherd men with these same words.”

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