SB 10.26.11

प्रलम्बं घातयित्वोग्रं बलेन बलशालिना । अमोचयद् व्रजपशून्गोपांश्चारण्यवह्नित: ॥ ११ ॥
pralambaṁ ghātayitvograṁ
balena bala-śālinā
amocayad vraja-paśūn
gopāṁś cāraṇya-vahnitaḥ


pralambam — the demon named Pralamba; ghāyayitvā — arranging to be killed; ugram — terrible; balena — by Lord Balarāma; bala-śālinā — who is very powerful; amocayat — He liberated; vraja-paśūn — the animals of Vraja; gopān — the cowherd boys; ca — and; āraṇya — of the forest; vahnitaḥ — from the fire.


After arranging for the mighty Lord Balarāma to kill the terrible demon Pralamba, Kṛṣṇa saved Vraja’s cowherd boys and their animals from a forest fire.

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