SB 10.18.30
दृष्ट्वा प्रलम्बं निहतं बलेन बलशालिना ।
गोपा: सुविस्मिता आसन्साधु साध्विति वादिन: ॥ ३० ॥
गोपा: सुविस्मिता आसन्साधु साध्विति वादिन: ॥ ३० ॥
dṛṣṭvā pralambaṁ nihataṁ
balena bala-śālinā
gopāḥ su-vismitā āsan
sādhu sādhv iti vādinaḥ
balena bala-śālinā
gopāḥ su-vismitā āsan
sādhu sādhv iti vādinaḥ
dṛṣṭvā — seeing; pralambam — Pralambāsura; nihatam — killed; balena — by Lord Balarāma; bala-śālinā — who is by nature very powerful; gopāḥ — the cowherd boys; su-vismitāḥ — most astonished; āsan — became; sādhu sādhu — “very wonderful, very wonderful”; iti — these words; vādinaḥ — speaking.
The cowherd boys were most astonished to see how the powerful Balarāma had killed the demon Pralamba, and they exclaimed, “Excellent! Excellent!”
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