SB 10.18.29
मुखाद् वमन् रुधिरमपस्मृतोऽसुर: ।
महारवं व्यसुरपतत् समीरयन्
गिरिर्यथा मघवत आयुधाहत: ॥ २९ ॥
mukhād vaman rudhiram apasmṛto ’suraḥ
mahā-ravaṁ vyasur apatat samīrayan
girir yathā maghavata āyudhāhataḥ
saḥ — he, Pralambāsura; āhataḥ — struck; sapadi — at once; viśīrṇa — split; mastakaḥ — his head; mukhāt — from his mouth; vaman — vomiting; rudhiram — blood; apasmṛtaḥ — unconscious; asuraḥ — the demon; mahā-ravam — a great noise; vyasuḥ — lifeless; apatat — he fell; samīrayan — sounding; giriḥ — a mountain; yathā — as; maghavataḥ — of Lord Indra; āyudha — by the weapon; āhataḥ — hit.
Thus smashed by Balarāma’s fist, Pralamba’s head immediately cracked open. The demon vomited blood from his mouth and lost all consciousness, and then with a great noise he fell lifeless on the ground, like a mountain devastated by Indra.
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