SB 10.18.10

कृष्णस्य नृत्यत: केचिज्जगु: केचिदवादयन् ।
वेणुपाणितलै: श‍ृङ्गै: प्रशशंसुरथापरे ॥ १० ॥
kṛṣṇasya nṛtyataḥ kecij
jaguḥ kecid avādayan
veṇu-pāṇitalaiḥ śṛṅgaiḥ
praśaśaṁsur athāpare


kṛṣṇasya nṛtyataḥ — while Kṛṣṇa was dancing; kecit — some of them; jaguḥ — sang; kecit — some; avādayan — accompanied musically; veṇu — with flutes; pāṇi-talaiḥ — and hand cymbals; śṛṅgaiḥ — with buffalo horns; praśaśaṁsuḥ — offered praise; atha — and; apare — others.


As Kṛṣṇa danced, some of the boys accompanied Him by singing, and others by playing flutes, hand cymbals and buffalo horns, while still others praised His dancing.


Wanting to encourage Śrī Kṛṣṇa, some of the cowherd boys openly praised His dancing.

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