SB 10.17.4
कदर्थीकृत्य गरुडं स्वयं तं बुभुजे बलिम् ॥ ४ ॥
kādraveyas tu kāliyaḥ
kadarthī-kṛtya garuḍaṁ
svayaṁ taṁ bubhuje balim
viṣa — because of his poison; vīrya — and his strength; mada — in intoxication; āviṣṭaḥ — absorbed; kādraveyaḥ — the son of Kadru; tu — on the other hand; kāliyaḥ — Kāliya; kadarthī-kṛtya — disregarding; garuḍam — Garuḍa; svayam — himself; tam — that; bubhuje — ate; balim — the offering.
Although all the other serpents were dutifully making offerings to Garuḍa, one serpent — the arrogant Kāliya, son of Kadru — would eat all these offerings before Garuḍa could claim them. Thus Kāliya directly defied the carrier of Lord Viṣṇu.
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