SB 10.17.16

रामश्चाच्युतमालिङ्‌‌ग्य जहासास्यानुभाववित् ।
प्रेम्णा तमङ्कमारोप्य पुन: पुनरुदैक्षत ।
गावो वृषा वत्सतर्यो लेभिरे परमां मुदम् ॥ १६ ॥
rāmaś cācyutam āliṅgya
premṇā tam aṅkam āropya
punaḥ punar udaikṣata
gāvo vṛṣā vatsataryo
lebhire paramāṁ mudam


rāmaḥ — Lord Balarāma; ca — and; acyutam — Kṛṣṇa, the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead; āliṅgya — embracing; jahāsa — laughed; asya — His; anubhāva-vit — knowing well the omnipotence; premṇā — out of love; tam — Him; aṅkam — up on His own lap; āropya — raising; punaḥ punaḥ — again and again; udaikṣata — looked upon; gāvaḥ — the cows; vṛṣāḥ — the bulls; vatsataryaḥ — the female calves; lebhire — they attained; paramām — supreme; mudam — pleasure.


Lord Balarāma embraced His infallible brother and laughed, knowing well the extent of Kṛṣṇa’s potency. Out of great feelings of love, Balarāma lifted Kṛṣṇa up on His lap and repeatedly looked at Him. The cows, bulls and young female calves also achieved the highest pleasure.

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