SB 10.17.12

तत् कालिय: परं वेद नान्य: कश्चन लेलिह: ।
अवात्सीद् गरुडाद् भीत: कृष्णेन च विवासित: ॥ १२ ॥
tat kāliyaḥ paraṁ veda
nānyaḥ kaścana lelihaḥ
avātsīd garuḍād bhītaḥ
kṛṣṇena ca vivāsitaḥ


tam — that; kāliyaḥ — Kāliya; param — only; veda — knew; na — not; anyaḥ — other; kaścana — any; lelihaḥ — serpent; avātsīt — he dwelt; garuḍāt — of Garuḍa; bhītaḥ — afraid; kṛṣṇena — by Kṛṣṇa; ca — and; vivāsitaḥ — expelled.


Of all the serpents, only Kāliya came to know of this affair, and in fear of Garuḍa he took up residence in that Yamunā lake. Later Lord Kṛṣṇa drove him out.

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