SB 10.1.33

शङ्खतूर्यमृदङ्गाश्च नेदुर्दुन्दुभय: समम् । प्रयाणप्रक्रमे तात वरवध्वो: सुमङ्गलम् ॥ ३३ ॥

śaṅkha-tūrya-mṛdaṅgāś ca
nedur dundubhayaḥ samam
prayāṇa-prakrame tāta
vara-vadhvoḥ sumaṅgalam


śaṅkha — conchshells; tūrya — bugles; mṛdaṅgāḥ — drums; ca — also; neduḥ — vibrated; dundubhayaḥ — kettledrums; samam — in concert; prayāṇa-prakrame — at the time of departure; tāta — O beloved son; vara-vadhvoḥ — of the bridegroom and the bride; su-maṅgalam — for the purpose of their auspicious departure.


O beloved son, Mahārāja Parīkṣit, when the bride and bridegroom were ready to start, conchshells, bugles, drums and kettledrums all vibrated in concert for their auspicious departure.

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