SB 10.1.11

देहं मानुषमाश्रित्य कति वर्षाणि वृष्णिभि: । यदुपुर्यां सहावात्सीत् पत्न्‍य: कत्यभवन् प्रभो: ॥ ११ ॥

dehaṁ mānuṣam āśritya
kati varṣāṇi vṛṣṇibhiḥ
yadu-puryāṁ sahāvātsīt
patnyaḥ katy abhavan prabhoḥ


deham — body; mānuṣam — exactly like a man; āśritya — accepting; kati varṣāṇi — how many years; vṛṣṇibhiḥ — in the company of the Vṛṣṇis, those who were born in the Vṛṣṇi family; yadu-puryām — in Dvārakā, in the residential quarters of the Yadus; saha — with; avātsīt — the Lord lived; patnyaḥ — wives; kati — how many; abhavan — were there; prabhoḥ — of the Lord.


Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has no material body, yet He appears as a human being. For how many years did He live with the descendants of Vṛṣṇi? How many wives did He marry, and for how many years did He live in Dvārakā?


In many places the Supreme Personality of Godhead is described as sac-cid-ānanda-vigraha, possessing a spiritual, blissful body. His bodily feature is narākṛti, that is, exactly like that of a human being. Here the same idea is repeated in the words mānuṣam āśritya, which indicate that He accepts a body exactly like that of a man. Everywhere it is confirmed that Kṛṣṇa is never nirākāra, or formless. He has His form, exactly like that of a human being. There is no doubt about this.

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