ŚB 2.5.6
नामरूपगुणैर्भाव्यं सदसत् किञ्चिदन्यत: ॥ ६ ॥
nāparaṁ na samaṁ vibho
nāma-rūpa-guṇair bhāvyaṁ
sad-asat kiñcid anyataḥ
na — do not; aham — myself; veda — know; param — superior; hi — for; asmin — in this world; na — neither; aparam — inferior; na — nor; samam — equal; vibho — O great one; nāma — name; rūpa — characteristics; guṇaiḥ — by qualification; bhāvyam — all that is created; sat — eternal; asat — temporary; kiñcit — or anything like that; anyataḥ — from any other source.
Whatever we can understand by the nomenclature, characteristics and features of a particular thing — superior, inferior or equal, eternal or temporary — is not created from any source other than that of Your Lordship, thou so great.
The manifested world is full of varieties of created beings in 8,400,000 species of life, and some of them are superior and inferior to others. In human society the human being is considered to be the superior living being, and amongst the human beings there are also different varieties: good, bad, equal, etc. But Nārada Muni took for granted that none of them has any source of generation besides his father, Brahmājī. Therefore he wanted to know all about them from Lord Brahmā.
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