ŚB 2.10.14

अधिदैवमथाध्यात्ममधिभूतमिति प्रभु: ।
अथैकं पौरुषं वीर्यं त्रिधाभिद्यत तच्छृणु ॥ १४ ॥
adhidaivam athādhyātmam
adhibhūtam iti prabhuḥ
athaikaṁ pauruṣaṁ vīryaṁ
tridhābhidyata tac chṛṇu


adhidaivam — the controlling entities; atha — now; adhyātmam — the controlled entities; adhibhūtam — the material bodies; iti — thus; prabhuḥ — the Lord; atha — in this way; ekam — one only; pauruṣam — of His Lordship; vīryam — potency; tridhā — in three; abhidyata — divided; tat — that; śṛṇu — just hear from me.


Just hear from me how the potency of His Lordship divides one into three, called the controlling entities, the controlled entities and the material bodies, in the manner mentioned above.

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