Song Name: Krsna Deva Bhavantam Vande
Author: Rupa Goswami
Book Name: Stavamala (Section: Volume 6 Song 24)
man-mānasa-madhukaram arpaya nija-padapaṅkaja-makarande
ayam avilolatayādya sanātana
nivasatu nityam ihāmṛta nindati
vindan madhurima-sāram
Refrain: O Lord Sri Krsna! I am offering a prayer unto You. Please let the bee of my mind be offered the nectarian honey of Your lotus feet.
1) Although Brahma in full samadhi cannot catch a glimpse of even a ray of the effulgence from the tips of Your toe-nails still, O Acyutah! Having heard of the waves of Your astonishing mercy, I long to receive Your grace.
2) O Madhava! Although I don’t possess even a sesame seed of bhakti for You, still, by Your inconceivable power which makes the impossible possible, please fulfill the desires of my heart.
3) He Sanatana! Because Your lotus feet are filled with such wonderful rasa, let the bee of my mind always reside unwaveringly in that nectar which puts everything else to shame, for they are the essence of all sweetness. This is my only prayer.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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