SB 10.59.23

ततश्च भू: कृष्णमुपेत्य कुण्डले
प्रतप्तजाम्बूनदरत्नभास्वरे ।
सवैजयन्त्या वनमालयार्पयत्
प्राचेतसं छत्रमथो महामणिम् ॥ २३ ॥
tataś ca bhūḥ kṛṣṇam upetya kuṇḍale
sa-vaijayantyā vana-mālayārpayat
prācetasaṁ chatram atho mahā-maṇim


tataḥ — then; ca — and; bhūḥ — the goddess of the earth; kṛṣṇam — Lord Kṛṣṇa; upetya — approaching; kuṇḍale — the two earrings (belonging to Aditi); pratapta — glowing; jāmbūnada — gold; ratna — with jewels; bhāsvare — shining; sa — together with; vaijayantyā — named Vaijayantī; vana-mālayā — and with a flower garland; arpayat — presented; prācetasam — of Varuṇa; chatram — the umbrella; atha u — then; mahā-maṇim — Maṇi-parvata, the peak of Mandara Mountain.


The goddess of the earth then approached Lord Kṛṣṇa and presented Him with Aditi’s earrings, which were made of glowing gold inlaid with shining jewels. She also gave Him a Vaijayantī flower garland, Varuṇa’s umbrella and the peak of Mandara Mountain.

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