SB 10.51.28

किंस्वित्तेजस्विनां तेजो भगवान् वा विभावसु: ।
सूर्य: सोमो महेन्द्रो वा लोकपालोऽपरोऽपि वा ॥ २८ ॥
kiṁ svit tejasvināṁ tejo
bhagavān vā vibhāvasuḥ
sūryaḥ somo mahendro vā
loka-pālo paro ’pi vā


kim svit — perhaps; tejasvinām — of all potent beings; tejaḥ — the original form; bhagavān — powerful lord; vā — or else; vibhāvasuḥ — the god of fire; sūryaḥ — the sun-god; somaḥ — the moon-god; mahā-indraḥ — the King of heaven; va — or; loka — of a planet; pālaḥ — the ruler; aparaḥ — other; api vā — else.


Perhaps You are the potency of all potent beings. Or maybe You are the powerful god of fire, or the sun-god, the moon-god, the King of heaven or the ruling demigod of some other planet.

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