SB 10.45.4

न लब्धो दैवहतयोर्वासो नौ भवदन्तिके ।
यां बाला: पितृगेहस्था विन्दन्ते लालिता मुदम् ॥ ४ ॥
na labdho daiva-hatayor
vāso nau bhavad-antike
yāṁ bālāḥ pitṛ-geha-sthā
vindante lālitā mudam


na — not; labdhaḥ — obtained; daiva — by fate; hatayoḥ — who have been deprived; vāsaḥ — residence; nau — by Us; bhavat-antike — in your presence; yām — which; bālāḥ — children; pitṛ — of their parents; geha — in the home; sthaḥ — staying; vindante — experience; lālitāḥ — pampered; mudam — happiness.


Deprived by fate, We could not live with you and enjoy the pampered happiness most children enjoy in their parents’ home.


Here Lord Kṛṣṇa points out that not only did His parents suffer in separation from Him and Balarāma, but the two boys also suffered in separation from Their parents.

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