SB 10.42.2

का त्वं वरोर्वेतदु हानुलेपनंकस्याङ्गने वा कथयस्व साधु न: । देह्यावयोरङ्गविलेपमुत्तमंश्रेयस्ततस्ते न चिराद् भविष्यति ॥ २ ॥
kā tvaṁ varorv etad u hānulepanaṁ
kasyāṅgane vā kathayasva sādhu naḥ
dehy āvayor aṅga-vilepam uttamaṁ
śreyas tatas te na cirād bhaviṣyati


kā — who; tvam — you; vara-ūru — O beautiful-thighed one; etat — this; u ha — ah, indeed; anulepanam — ointment; kasya — for whom; aṅgane — My dear woman; vā — or; kathayasva — please tell; sādhu — honestly; naḥ — Us; dehi — please give; āvayoḥ — to Us two; aṅga-vilepam — body ointment; uttamam — excellent; śreyaḥ — benefit; tataḥ — thereafter; te — your; na cirāt — soon; bhaviṣyati — will be.


[Lord Kṛṣṇa said:] Who are you, O beautiful-thighed one? Ah, ointment! Who is it for, my dear lady? Please tell Us truthfully. Give Us both some of your finest ointment and you will soon gain a great boon.


The Lord jokingly addressed the lady as varoru, “O beautiful-thighed one.” His joke was not malicious, since He was actually about to make her beautiful.

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