SB 10.42.33
tūrya-bheryaś ca jaghnire
mañcāś cālaṅkṛtāḥ sragbhiḥ
ānarcuḥ — worshiped; puruṣāḥ — the King’s men; raṅgam — the arena; tūrya — musical instruments; bheryaḥ — drums; ca — and; jaghnire — they vibrated; mañcāḥ — the viewing platforms; ca — and; alaṅkṛtāḥ — were decorated; sragbhiḥ — with garlands; patākā — with flags; caila — cloth ribbons; toraṇaiḥ — and gateways.
The King’s men performed the ritual worship of the wrestling arena, sounded their drums and other instruments and decorated the viewing galleries with garlands, flags, ribbons and arches.
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