SB 10.26.2

बालकस्य यदेतानि कर्माण्यत्यद्भ‍ुतानि वै । कथमर्हत्यसौ जन्म ग्राम्येष्वात्मजुगुप्सितम् ॥ २ ॥
bālakasya yad etāni
karmāṇy aty-adbhutāni vai
katham arhaty asau janma
grāmyeṣv ātma-jugupsitam


bālakasya — of the boy; yat — because; etāni — these; karmāṇi — activities; ati-adbhutāni — most amazing; vai — certainly; katham — how; arhati — should deserve; asau — He; janma — birth; grāmyeṣu — among worldly men; ātma — for Himself; jugupsitam — contemptible.


[The cowherd men said:] Since this boy performs such extraordinary activities, how could He warrant a birth among worldly men like us — a birth that for Him would seem contemptible?


An ordinary living being cannot avoid unpleasant circumstances, but the supreme controller can always make perfect arrangements for His pleasure.

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