SB 10.19.5
सम्प्राप्य तृषिता: श्रान्तास्ततस्ते सन्न्यवर्तयन् ॥ ५ ॥
krandamānaṁ sva-godhanam
samprāpya tṛṣitāḥ śrāntās
tatas te sannyavartayan
muñjā-aṭavyām — in the Muñjā forest; bhraṣṭa-mārgam — who had lost their way; krandamānam — crying; sva — their own; go-dhanam — cows (and other animals); samprāpya — finding; tṛṣitāḥ — who were thirsty; śrāntāḥ — and tired; tataḥ — then; te — they, the cowherd boys; sannyavartayan — turned them all back.
Within the Muñjā forest the cowherd boys finally found their valuable cows, who had lost their way and were crying. Then the boys, thirsty and tired, herded the cows onto the path back home.
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