SB 10.19.2

अजा गावो महिष्यश्च निर्विशन्त्यो वनाद् वनम् ।
ईषीकाटवीं निर्विविशु: क्रन्दन्त्यो दावतर्षिता: ॥ २ ॥
ajā gāvo mahiṣyaś ca
nirviśantyo vanād vanam
īṣīkāṭavīṁ nirviviśuḥ
krandantyo dāva-tarṣitāḥ


ajāḥ — the goats; gāvaḥ — the cows; mahiṣyaḥ — the buffalo; ca — and; nirviśantyaḥ — entering; vanāt — from one forest; vanam — to another forest; īṣīkā-aṭavīm — a forest of canes; nirviviśuḥ — they entered; krandantyaḥ — crying out; dāva — because of a forest fire; tarṣitāḥ — thirsty.


Passing from one part of the great forest to another, the goats, cows and buffalo eventually entered an area overgrown with sharp canes. The heat of a nearby forest fire made them thirsty, and they cried out in distress.

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