SB 10.17.22
कृष्णं ययुस्ते शरणं मायामनुजमीश्वरम् ॥ २२ ॥
dahyamānā vrajaukasaḥ
kṛṣṇaṁ yayus te śaraṇaṁ
māyā-manujam īśvaram
tataḥ — then; utthāya — waking up; sambhrāntāḥ — agitated; dahyamānāḥ — about to be burned; vraja-okasaḥ — the people of Vraja; kṛṣṇam — to Kṛṣṇa; yayuḥ — went; te — they; śaraṇam — for shelter; māyā — by His potency; manujam — appearing like a human being; īśvaram — the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Then the residents of Vṛndāvana woke up, extremely disturbed by the great fire threatening to burn them. Thus they took shelter of Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Lord, who by His spiritual potency appeared like an ordinary human being.
The śruti, or Vedic mantras, state, svarūpa-bhūtayā nitya-śaktyā māyākhyayā: “The Lord’s eternal potency named māyā is innate in His original form.” Thus within the eternal spiritual body of the Supreme Lord there is infinite potency, which effortlessly manipulates all existence according to the omniscient desire of the Absolute Truth. The residents of Vṛndāvana took shelter of Kṛṣṇa, thinking, “This blessed boy will certainly be empowered by God to save us.” They remembered the words of the sage Garga Muni, spoken at the birth ceremony of Lord Kṛṣṇa: anena sarva-durgāṇi yūyam añjas tariṣyatha. “By His power you will easily be able to cross over all obstacles.” (Bhāg. 10.8.16) Therefore the residents of Vṛndāvana, who had full faith in Kṛṣṇa, took shelter of the Lord in hopes of being saved from the impending disaster threatened by the forest fire.
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