SB 10.1.27

शूरसेनो यदुपतिर्मथुरामावसन् पुरीम् । माथुराञ्छूरसेनांश्च विषयान् बुभुजे पुरा ॥ २७ ॥

śūraseno yadupatir
mathurām āvasan purīm
māthurāñ chūrasenāṁś ca
viṣayān bubhuje purā


śūrasenaḥ — King Śūrasena; yadu-patiḥ — the chief of the Yadu dynasty; mathurām — at the place known as Mathurā; āvasan — went to live; purīm — in that city; māthurān — at the place known as the Māthura district; śūrasenān ca — and the place known as Śūrasena; viṣayān — such kingdoms; bubhuje — enjoyed; purā — formerly.


Formerly, Śūrasena, the chief of the Yadu dynasty, had gone to live in the city of Mathurā. There he enjoyed the places known as Māthura and Śūrasena.

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