SB 11.31.20
वसुदेवपत्न्यस्तद्गात्रं प्रद्युम्नादीन् हरे: स्नुषा: ।
कृष्णपत्न्योऽविशन्नग्निं रुक्मिण्याद्यास्तदात्मिका: ॥ २० ॥
upaguhyāgnim āviśan
vasudeva-patnyas tad-gātraṁ
pradyumnādīn hareḥ snuṣāḥ
kṛṣṇa-patnyo ’viśann agniṁ
rukmiṇy-ādyās tad-ātmikāḥ
rāma-patnyaḥ — the wives of Lord Balarāma; ca — and; tat-deham — His body; upaguhya — embracing; agnim — the fire; āviśan — entered; vasudeva-patnyaḥ — the wives of Vasudeva; tat-gātram — his body; pradyumna-ādīn — Pradyumna and the others; hareḥ — of Lord Hari; snuṣāḥ — the daughters-in-law; kṛṣṇa-patnyaḥ — the wives of Lord Kṛṣṇa; aviśan — entered; agnim — the fire; rukmiṇī-ādyāḥ — led by Queen Rukmiṇī; tat-ātmikāḥ — whose consciousness was completely absorbed in Him.
The wives of Lord Balarāma also entered the fire and embraced His body, and Vasudeva’s wives entered his fire and embraced his body. The daughters-in-law of Lord Hari entered the funeral fires of their respective husbands, headed by Pradyumna. And Rukmiṇī and the other wives of Lord Kṛṣṇa — whose hearts were completely absorbed in Him — entered His fire.
It is understood that the anguished scene described here is a display of the Lord’s illusory potency, adding a final dramatic note to Lord Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes on the earth. In reality, Lord Kṛṣṇa returned to His eternal abode in His original body, and His eternal associates returned with Him. This final heartbreaking scene of the Lord’s pastimes is a creation of the Lord’s internal potency that brings the Lord’s manifest pastimes to a perfect dramatic end.
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