SB 11.2.19

तेषां नव नवद्वीपपतयोऽस्य समन्तत: ।
कर्मतन्त्रप्रणेतार एकाशीतिर्द्विजातय: ॥ १९ ॥

teṣāṁ nava nava-dvīpa-
patayo ’sya samantataḥ
ekāśītir dvijātayaḥ


teṣām — of them (the one hundred sons of Ṛṣabhadeva); nava — nine; nava-dvīpa — of the nine islands (comprising Bhārata-varṣa); patayaḥ — the masters; asya — of this varṣa; samantataḥ — covering it entirely; karma-tantra — of the path of fruitive Vedic sacrifices; praṇetāraḥ — initiators; ekāśītiḥ — eighty-one; dvi-jātayaḥ — twice-born brāhmaṇas.


Nine of the remaining sons of Ṛṣabhadeva became the rulers of the nine islands of Bhārata-varṣa, and they exercised complete sovereignty over this planet. Eighty-one sons became twice-born brāhmaṇas and helped initiate the Vedic path of fruitive sacrifices [karma-kāṇḍa].


The nine dvīpas, or islands, ruled by nine sons of Ṛṣabhadeva are the nine varṣas of Jambudvīpa, namely Bhārata, Kinnara, Hari, Kuru, Hiraṇmaya, Ramyaka, Ilāvṛta, Bhadrāśva and Ketumāla.

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