SB 12.12.24

रामस्य कोशलेन्द्रस्य चरितं किल्बिषापहम् ।
निमेरङ्गपरित्यागो जनकानां च सम्भव: ॥ २४ ॥
rāmasya kośalendrasya
caritaṁ kilbiṣāpaham
nimer aṅga-parityāgo
janakānāṁ ca sambhavaḥ


rāmasya — of Lord Rāmacandra; kośala-indrasya — the King of Kośala; caritam — the pastimes; kilbiṣa-apaham — which drive away all sins; nimeḥ — of King Nimi; aṅga-parityāgaḥ — the giving up of his body; janakānām — of the descendants of Janaka; ca — and; sambhavaḥ — the appearance.


The Bhāgavatam narrates the sanctifying pastimes of Lord Rāmacandra, the King of Kośala, and also explains how King Nimi abandoned his material body. The appearance of the descendants of King Janaka is also mentioned.

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