SB 12.12.54
वर्णाश्रमाचारतप:श्रुतादिषु ।
अविस्मृति: श्रीधरपादपद्मयो-
र्गुणानुवादश्रवणादरादिभि: ॥ ५४ ॥
yaśaḥ-śriyām eva pariśramaḥ paro
avismṛtiḥ śrīdhara-pāda-padmayor
yaśaḥ — in fame; śriyām — and opulence; eva — only; pariśramaḥ — the labor; paraḥ — great; varṇa-āśrama-ācāra — by one’s execution of duties in the varṇāśrama system; tapaḥ — austerities; śruta — hearing of sacred scripture; ādiṣu — and so on; avismṛtiḥ — remembrance; śrīdhara — of the maintainer of the goddess of fortune; pāda-padmayoḥ — of the lotus feet; guṇa-anuvāda — of the chanting of the qualities; śravaṇa — by hearing; ādara — respecting; ādibhiḥ — and so on.
The great endeavor one undergoes in executing the ordinary social and religious duties of the varṇāśrama system, in performing austerities, and in hearing from the Vedas culminates only in the achievement of mundane fame and opulence. But by respecting and attentively hearing the recitation of the transcendental qualities of the Supreme Lord, the husband of the goddess of fortune, one can remember His lotus feet.
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