SB 12.12.42-43

विप्रशापापदेशेन संहार: स्वकुलस्य च ।
उद्धवस्य च संवादो वसुदेवस्य चाद्भ‍ुत: ॥ ४२ ॥
यत्रात्मविद्या ह्यखिला प्रोक्ता धर्मविनिर्णय: ।
ततो मर्त्यपरित्याग आत्मयोगानुभावत: ॥ ४३ ॥
saṁhāraḥ sva-kulasya ca
uddhavasya ca saṁvādo
vasudevasya cādbhutaḥ
yatrātma-vidyā hy akhilā
proktā dharma-vinirṇayaḥ
tato martya-parityāga


vipra-śāpa — of the curse by the brāhmaṇas; apadeśena — on the pretext; saṁhāraḥ — the withdrawal; sva-kulasya — of His own family; ca — and; uddhavasya — with Uddhava; ca — and; saṁvādaḥ — the discussion; vasudevasya — of Vasudeva (with Nārada); ca — and; adbhutaḥ — wonderful; yatra — in which; ātma-vidyā — the science of the self; hi — indeed; akhilā — completely; proktā — was spoken; dharma-vinirṇayaḥ — the ascertainment of the principles of religion; tataḥ — then; martya — of the mortal world; parityāgaḥ — the giving up; ātma-yoga — of His personal mystic power; anubhāvataḥ — on the strength.


How the Lord withdrew His own dynasty on the pretext of the brāhmaṇas’ curse; Vasudeva’s conversation with Nārada; the extraordinary conversation between Uddhava and Kṛṣṇa, which reveals the science of the self in complete detail and elucidates the religious principles of human society; and then how Lord Kṛṣṇa gave up this mortal world by His own mystic power — the Bhāgavatam narrates all these events.

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